The freedom to live big, no matter what life throws your way
Adventure, adversity, and well-being preparedness for the everyday.
30 Day Challenges
Catch a break by creating one. These High Agency Human challenges boost your buffers against life's hurdles.
Resources + Articles
Read articles on Radical Reduction and how to prepare for adversity and well-being. Free checklists and templates.
Speaking Events
Mass Casualty Preparedness: Immediate Actions to Build Your Resilience is a 60 minute talk and a fresh take on MCIs.
presented at
Vickie M Lanthier
Vickie Lanthier is a speaker and author who shares insights and strategies for all those who want to live a big life but can’t seem to catch a break. Lanthier is currently writing a new book focused on being able to create a well-lived life, no matter what adversity is thrown your way.
Lanthier is a military veteran, avid hiker, and huge coffee fan.