Speaking Engagements and Online Courses

adversity and well-being


Changing how we prepare for adversity

Speaking Engagements and Online Courses

Mass Casualty Preparedness: Immediate Actions to Build Your Resilience

Our ability to process unexpected adverse events is varied and we tend to prepare for the mechanics of the event itself along with the fallout - there are plenty of courses and resources for during and post a mass casualty incident (MCI). The elephant in the room is what we can do right now. We can prepare ourselves for MCIs ahead of time to influence the outcome for the sake of our future well-being.

I share my lived experience with mass casualty incidents and dive into six specific actions that the audience can apply today to benefit their future selves in the event of a mass casualty incident.

Any inquiries may be directed to hello@vickiemlanthier.com. Note that this talk and course compliments existing resources and does not replace the need for training, safety measures, and professional health support.


  • Re-framing our mindset and perspective

  • 6 specific actions that can be applied now

What’s included: 

  • 60 minute presentation (30 mins of Q&A with option B and C)

  • 6 specific actions that can be applied now

  • Participant handout and practical exercises to do at home

  • Recommended resources and readings

Option A (ONLINE SELF-PACED, releasing in 2026)

  • Recorded: A 60-minute talk with participant handouts, resources, and bonuses.

  • Content can be consumed at your audience’s own pace or in one showing.

Option B (VIRTUAL)

  • A 60-minute live talk with participant handouts, resources, and bonuses.

  • 30 min Q+A

  • Limited availability per month

Option C (In-Person)

  • A 60-minute in-person talk with participant handouts, resources, and bonuses.

  • 30 min Q+A

  • Limited availability per month